the gallery at taste

back by popular demand: Gallery Nights at taste

Join us for Inspiration & Conversation

Gallery Night  •   Thursday, July 20th  •   5 – 8 pm

the gallery at taste  | 17 Narragansett Ave., Jamestown, RI


Gallery nights return to taste for our third summer at our storefront studio & gallery in the heart of Jamestown.  Plan to make an evening out of it and have dinner at Fish across the street or Simpatico next door.

As always, we’re excited to bring new artists to taste and this summer is no exception. Coral Bourgeois, a tactile, mosaic tile artist known for her bright, colorful pieces, will be joining Jamestown local Christian Potter Drury and her vibrant interpretations of life around her, Jessica Pisano and her new series of birds in flight, and Kelly Jo Shows and her unique portraits of artists’ shoes.

I’ve included their profiles below along with several of their completed pieces of work. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for July 20th (and our other upcoming Gallery Show on August 17th…details to follow).

Only the best,

patti watson interior designer taste interior design decorator rhode island boston



Coral BourgeoisBig Fish – Tile Mosaic


Coral BourgeoisElephants – Tile Mosaic


Coral BourgeoisLayers – Tile Mosaic


Coral Bourgeois – Tile Mosaic

yellow fish IMG_6300

Coral BourgeoisYellow Fish – Tile Mosaic


Coral Bourgeois  – Tiled Staircase


artist-spotlight-image-with-quote-JESSICA-PISANOJessica Pisano - TheSilentLanguage - OP - 24 x 30 -03200

Jessica Pisano – The Silent Language  – Oil

Jessica Pisano - CrossingPaths - OP-36 x 36 - 04200

Jessica Pisano –  Crossing Paths –  Oil

Jessica Pisano - Afternoon Reflection - oil and gold leaf on panel - 20 x 24 - Retail 2000

Jessica Pisano –  Afternoon Reflection – Oil and Gold Leaf

Jessica Pisano - Still Waters 40 x 40 oil and silver leaf on panel

Jessica Pisano –  Still Waters – Oil and Silver Leaf

artist-spotlight-image-with-quote--KELLY-JO-SHOWSPOA John Casey KJ Shows

Kelly Jo Shows – Portrait of an Artist: John Casey – Oil


Kelly Jo Shows – Portrait of an Aartist: Alan Needler  – Oil

POA Candy Chang - KJ Shows

Kelly Jo Shows  –  Portrait of an Artist: Candy Chang  – Oil

POA PAtrick Finster KJ Shows

Kelly Jo Shows –  Portrait of an Artist: Patrick Finster  – Oil

POA The Art Guys - KJ Shows

Kelly Jo Shows –  Portrait of an Artist: The Art Guys  – Oil



Christian DruryHigh Tide – Acrylic & Mixed Medium


Christian DruryMount Wilson – Gouache, Watercolor, Pastel Collage


Christian Potter Drury – Opera Coat for David Lynch – collage, varnished

Christian Potter Druryen famille – Acrylic, Collage, Pastel, Ink, Watercolor, Varnish


Christian Potter DruryBuds – Watercolor, Acrylic, India Ink, Collage, Varnish


Christian Potter DruryIn the Deep Dark Forest You Will See a Golden Light – Acrylic, Pencil, Watercolor, Varnish