in good company

girl grit

I’m so pleased to announce taste‘s upcoming move to 17 Narragansett Ave. in Jamestown – a historic building and home to Jamestown Designs for the past thirty-five years. Our move marks the well-deserved retirement of Debbie Swistak and Carol Anderson after leading their successful retail and custom framing business for forty-three years. Throughout their tenure, they’ve shown true girl grit during the ups and downs of running a retail business – all with a smile and grace. They are an inspiration to me as I lead and grow my business. I happily accept the passed torch and will carry on the tenets of their business – good design, exceptional client service and a commitment to our community.

Meanwhile at taste, we’ve got the next generation of girl grit in the making. Our own Julia Reinalda is ready to give birth to her first child. True to form, she’s worked up to the final two weeks of her pregnancy with incredible energy, humor and dedication to our clients. Never one to be tired, she inspected stone slabs, made construction site visits and oversaw installations until the very end. And, she’s made mention of putting the babe in the Bjorn carrier and visiting job sites this summer. I fully expect to see her there, beautiful baby and all.

And, big congratulations to our designer of the past two years, Ashley Delvecchio. She moves on to Alice Black Interiors to be closer to home and family in Connecticut. Ashley’s girl grit got her through a two-hour commute to Rhode Island the past two years, enduring snow storms and summer traffic. Through it all she’s been a champ and an absolute pleasure to have on our team. We’ll miss her dearly and wish her all the best as she makes her mark in our field.